[Menu1] Name="&File" Item1="&Open file" Item2="&Save as..." Item3="E&xit" [Menu2] Name="&Action" Item1="&Read memory" Item2="Program &Byte" Item3="Program &Memory" Item4="&Compare Memory/Buffer" [Menu3] Name="&Buffer" Item1="Fill with $&00" Item2="Fill with $&FF" Item3="&Spaces" Item4="&Random values" Item5="&Increasing values" Item6="&Decreasing values" Item7="Selected b&yte" Item8="/&Buffer" Item9="[B&7]..[B0]<->[B0]..[B7]" Item10="Fill &Line with selected byte" Item11="&ANSI character set (&Windows)" Item12="&OEM character set (&Dos)" [Menu4] Name="&Memory" Item1="PCF8&582 - (256 bytes)" Item2="24C0&0 - (16 bytes)" Item3="24C0&1 - (128 bytes)" Item4="24C0&2 - (256 bytes)" Item5="24C0&4 - (512 bytes)" Item6="24C0&8 - (1024 bytes)" Item7="24C1&6 - (2048 bytes)" Item8="24C&32 - (4096 bytes)" Item9="24C64 - (81&92 bytes)" Item10="24&C128 - (16384 bytes)" Item11="24C256 - (32&768 bytes)" Item12="24C512 - (65536 by&tes)" Item13="&Byte write mode (slow !)" Item14="&Page write mode (fast !)" [Menu5] Name="&Setup" Item1="LPT&1 (378h - 379h)" Item2="LPT&2 (278h - 279h)" Item3="LPT&3 (3bch - 3bdh)" Item4="&Self-detect" Item5="&Test printer port" Item6="&Run with menu translation" Item7="&Clear registry and exit..." [Menu6] Name="&Information" Item1="&Hardware" Item2="&Explanations (in french)" Item3="&About (version)..." [Hint] Icon1="Load Buffer from a file" Icon2="Save Buffer into a file" Icon3="Read the whole memory" Icon4="Program only the selected byte" Icon5="Program all the memory" Icon6="Compare Buffer and memory contents" IconB1="Fill Buffer with $FF" IconB2="Fill Buffer with $00" IconB3="Fill Buffer with spaces" IconB4="Fill Buffer with random values" IconB5="Fill Buffer with increasing values" IconB6="Fill Buffer with decreasing values" IconB7="Fill Buffer with the byte selected in the grid" IconB8="Fill Buffer with its complement" Icon7="Show how to build the hardware" Icon8="Explanations (in french) about this program" Icon9="Author / program revision" [Other] Button1="E&xit" BufferTXT="Buffer filling" TitleTXT="I2C memory programmer" FileTXT="File :"